
Guitar Pedals from Custom Audio Electronics

Welcome to your ultimate guide to Custom Audio Electronics's guitar pedals. This catalog serves as your starting point to explore and compare all pedals crafted by Custom Audio Electronics. Designed for easy navigation, we hope you can quickly find detailed information on each pedal, including specifications, user reviews, and demo videos. Whether you're searching for the latest releases, seeking to expand your pedal collection, or exploring options for a specific sound, hopefully Stompbx can assist you in finding exactly what you need.


Controllers and Switches

MIDI Foot Controller

The Custom Audio Electronics RS-T MIDI Foot Controller features expandability with the ability to add up to 8 four-switch or 4 eight-switch expander strips, providing a total of 40 switches. It offers direct access to each individual loop/control of any CAE audio controllers or any other MIDI device that responds to program and control change (CC) numbers. The RS-T also includes an alphanumeric display and a large two-line by 20-character display. The dimensions of the RS-T MIDI Foot Controller are 22" x 5.5" x 3.5", and it weighs 4 lbs. The Custom Audio Electronics RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller, which has been discontinued and replaced by the RS-T, was designed to interface directly with the CAE 4x4 and 2x4 Audio Controller, the Rocktron Patchmate, or any MIDI device that recognizes controller commands and patch changes. It provided direct access to each individual loop/control of any CAE audio controllers or any other MIDI device that responds to program and control change (CC) numbers. The RS-10 also featured 32 banks of 4 random access presets in addition to the 10 individual controller switches (SW0-SW9), as well as bank up and down switches. It supported multiple footswitches for remote onstage/offstage locations and was expandable with the optional RS-10 Expander Module, adding an additional 6 direct access controller switches and 2 presets to an existing RS-10. The RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller was built with a heavy- gauge steel chassis to withstand years of heavy use and heavy-duty footswitches.

Overdrive and Boost

Boost Overdrive

The MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-402 Boost/Overdrive offers a combination of a simple dynamic overdrive and an independent clean boost circuit in one compact pedal. The overdrive section adds warmth, sustain, and punch without coloring the sound, ranging from a bluesy, slightly overdriven sound to full- metal crunch with a twist of the gain knob. It cleans up nicely when rolling back the guitar volume, making it extremely touch-sensitive and responsive to picking dynamics without becoming thin sounding. The boost circuit is the exact same circuit CAE has used for years to solve a wide variety of signal conditioning problems in major guitar systems. The high-quality components provide quiet operation and trouble-free interaction with other pedals on the board. The design is simple and straightforward, with a minimum of controls, only what is necessary to do the job. Technical Specifications: \- Power: 9V \- Bypass: True bypass \- Analog/Digital: Analog The pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included).

Boost/Line Driver

The MXR/CAE Boost/Line Driver by Custom Audio Electronics provides up to +20dB of ultra-clean boost to rejuvenate the sparkle, punch, and brilliance of your sound. It is designed to solve a variety of mismatched line level and signal conditioning problems that can occur when combining effects. The circuit design has been used for years by CAE in the world's best guitarist's rigs to remedy these problems and rejuvenate the lost sparkle, punch, and brilliance. It can also be used as an ultra-clean boost for solos or to drive effects for more dynamics and sensitivity. The pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included). Specifications: \- Input Impedance: 1 MΩ \- Output Impedance: 150 Ω \- Nominal Input: -22 dBV \- Boost function with knob adjustment from 0 to +20dB of clean uncolored boost

MXR/CAE Boost/Overdrive

The MXR/CAE Boost/Overdrive pedal offers a combination of a dynamic overdrive and an independent clean boost circuit in a compact design. The overdrive section provides a classic sound with warmth, sustain, and punch, ranging from a bluesy, slightly overdriven sound to full-metal crunch with adjustment of the gain knob. It is designed to be touch-sensitive and responsive to picking dynamics, without thinning out when the guitar volume is rolled back. The boost circuit, which can provide up to +20dB of ultra-clean boost, is the same circuit used by CAE for signal conditioning in major guitar systems. The pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included). Specifications: \- Input Impedance: 1k ohms \- Output Impedance: Boost ON <150 ohms, Overdrive ON/Boost OFF <15k ohms \- Boost Gain: 20 dB \- Signal to Noise Ratio: >87 dB

Power Utilities

MIDI Foot Controller

The Custom Audio Electronics RS-T MIDI Foot Controller features expandability with the ability to add up to 8 four-switch or 4 eight-switch expander strips, providing a total of 40 switches. It offers direct access to each individual loop/control of any CAE audio controllers or any other MIDI device that responds to program and control change (CC) numbers. The RS-T also includes an alphanumeric display and a large two-line by 20-character display. The dimensions of the RS-T MIDI Foot Controller are 22" x 5.5" x 3.5", and it weighs 4 lbs. The Custom Audio Electronics RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller, which has been discontinued and replaced by the RS-T, was designed to interface directly with the CAE 4x4 and 2x4 Audio Controller, the Rocktron Patchmate, or any MIDI device that recognizes controller commands and patch changes. It provided direct access to each individual loop/control of any CAE audio controllers or any other MIDI device that responds to program and control change (CC) numbers. The RS-10 also featured 32 banks of 4 random access presets in addition to the 10 individual controller switches (SW0-SW9), as well as bank up and down switches. It supported multiple footswitches for remote onstage/offstage locations and was expandable with the optional RS-10 Expander Module, adding an additional 6 direct access controller switches and 2 presets to an existing RS-10. The RS-10 MIDI Foot Controller was built with a heavy- gauge steel chassis to withstand years of heavy use and heavy-duty footswitches.

Wah Wah

MC404 CAE Wah

The MC404 CAE Wah by Custom Audio Electronics features dual Fasel inductors with two distinct voices, allowing users to switch between high-end emphasis or low to mid resonance. It also includes a built-in MXR MC401 Boost/LineDriver for added flexibility. The pedal boasts true hardwire bypass, a long-life CTS potentiometer, and internal pots for "Q" and gain adjustments. It can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included). Technical Specifications: \- Impedance: \- Input: 1 MΩ \- Output: <10 kΩ \- Center Frequency (Yellow Inductor): \- Heel Down: 400 Hz \- Toe Down: 1.9 kHz to 2.2 kHz \- Center Frequency (Red Inductor): \- Heel Down: 255 Hz to 355 Hz \- Toe Down: 1.3 kHz to 1.5 kHz \- Maximum Level: \- Input: -6 dBV \- Output: +8 dBV \- Maximum Gain: \- Heel Down: +16 dB \- Toe Down: +16 dB \- Noise Floor: \- Heel Down: -85.5 dBV \- Toe Down: -82.0 dBV \- Bypass: True Bypass \- Current Draw: <6.3 mA Additional Features: \- BOOST VOLUME knob for controlling the amount of gain added by the BOOST switch \- UPPER and LOWER TRIMPOTS for adjusting the Q of each Fasel inductor \- INDUCTOR switch for toggling between red/yellow inductors \- BOOST switch for engaging boost level set by BOOST VOLUME knob The pedal also includes bright status LEDs on each side to indicate operation status.

MXR/CAE Dual Inductor Wah

The MXR/CAE Dual Inductor Wah by Custom Audio Electronics features dual Fasel inductors with two distinct voices, allowing users to switch between high-end emphasis or low to mid resonance. It also includes a built-in MXR MC401 Boost/LineDriver for added flexibility. The pedal offers true hardwire bypass, a long-life CTS potentiometer, and internal pots for "Q" and gain adjustments. Additionally, it has bright LEDs on each side to indicate operation status. The pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies. The input impedance (wah active) is 1mOhm, and the output impedance is less than 10 kOhms. The low pass frequency ranges from 255Hz to 355Hz, while the high pass frequency ranges from 1.3KHz to 1.5KHz.