
Guitar Pedals from Tapestry Audio

Welcome to your ultimate guide to Tapestry Audio's guitar pedals. This catalog serves as your starting point to explore and compare all pedals crafted by Tapestry Audio. Designed for easy navigation, we hope you can quickly find detailed information on each pedal, including specifications, user reviews, and demo videos. Whether you're searching for the latest releases, seeking to expand your pedal collection, or exploring options for a specific sound, hopefully Stompbx can assist you in finding exactly what you need.

Controllers and Switches

Time Traveler

The Time Traveler by Tapestry Audio is a unique BPM synchronization pedal designed to unify a guitarist's pedal board by sending preprogrammed BPM presets to any pedal with an external tap tempo jack. It is available in 2 or 3-output configurations and is the world's first auxiliary BPM synchronization pedal. The pedal is capable of storing up to 10 presets via foot-switch and sends out the same momentary latch signal as most tap pedals (e.g., Boss 5S-5U). It can be set to BPM with a knob or built-in tap footswitch and works with a standard center negative 9VDC adapter (same as Boss). The Time Traveler also offers advanced functions accessible through an intuitive interface, allowing users to customize settings such as the number of presets, brightness on the display, time before the tap signal is sent out, and the activation of subdivisions. The pedal is designed to sync delay, tremolo, slicer, and any other pedals with external footswitch capability. It features an intuitive interface for easy real-time adjustments and is constructed with hand-machined and wired components. The Time Traveler's compact size of 7.8" x 2.25" makes it space- efficient while remaining comfortable for foot operation. It is also compatible with both brand and boutique pedals.

Bloomery Volume Pedal

The Bloomery Volume Pedal by Tapestry Audio is available in both passive and active models. The passive volume pedal measures only 7.8″ x 2.25″, making it compact and convenient for pedalboard use. It is machined out of steel, providing a durable and solid feel. The pedal features a slide potentiometer and direct shaft drive, eliminating the need for strings and offering a smooth volume curve for nuanced pedal sweep. The passive model also allows users to convert the tuner output into an expression output using internal DIP switches located on the side of the pedal. The active model features solid steel construction, no string, tuner output, and dual buffer active circuitry. Both models are designed to save pedalboard space and provide a wide and smooth range of motion.

Overdrive and Boost