Rotary Machine RM600 Guitar Pedal By Behringer

Rotary Machine RM600

Pedal Manufacturer



The Behringer Rotary Machine RM600 is an effects pedal that delivers a wide range of 3-dimensional rotary speaker effects. It allows users to experience the classic and swirling sounds of famous signature rotary speakers in one compact pedal. The pedal features the following controls:

1. FAST control: Adjusts the rotating speed of the drum and the horn when FAST mode is activated.
2. SLOW control: Adjusts the rotating speed of the drum and the horn when SLOW mode is activated.
3. DRIVE control: Adjusts the amount of tube-like overdrive.
4. BLEND control: Adjusts the balance between the horn and the drum speaker.
5. RAMP switch: Controls the time it takes to go from fast to slow rotary speed and vice versa.
6. MODEL switch: Selects between 3 famous signature rotary speakers (145, L16, and 122).
7. ON/BATT LED: Illuminates when active, indicating the modulation speed.
8. Footswitch: Activates/deactivates the effect and allows switching between fast and slow modulation modes.
9. IN A and IN B connectors: Used to plug in the instrument cables.
10. OUT A and OUT B connectors: Send the signal to the amp, allowing for full stereo rotary effect.

The pedal operates on a 9V power supply or a 9V battery and has the following technical specifications:

- Input Impedance: 500 kΩ
- Output Impedance: 1 kΩ
- Power Supply: 9V DC, 100 mA regulated
- Power Consumption: 60 mA
- Dimensions: Approximately 2 1/8 x 2 3/4 x 4 4/5" (H x W x D)
- Weight: Approximately 0.73 lbs / 0.33 kg

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