Microtubes X Ultra Guitar Pedal By Darkglass Electronics

Microtubes X Ultra

Pedal Manufacturer

Darkglass Electronics


The Darkglass Electronics Microtubes X Ultra is a bass preamp pedal with a variety of features and technical specifications. Here are the details:

Front Features:
- Low Comp: Controls compression amount for the low band. Both threshold and makeup gain are controlled to maintain a constant level.
- Low Level: Sets the output volume of the low-pass signal.
- Low Pass Frequency: Controls the cut-off frequency to be mixed back to the high-pass side.
- High Level: Sets the output volume of the distorted high-pass signal.
- High Drive: Sets the amount of distortion for the high pass side.
- High Pass Frequency: Controls the cutoff frequency to be distorted.
- Master: +-12 dB. Sets the overall volume of the unit.
- Bass, Mid bands, and Treble controls for EQ adjustments.

- Width: 125 mm / 5″
- Length: 96 mm/ 3¾″
- Height: 57 mm / 2¼″
- Weight: 430 g / 0.95 lb

Technical Specifications:
- Input Impedance: 500kΩ
- Output Impedance: 1kΩ
- Current Consumption: ~200mA
- Voltage: 9V DC (Center Negative)

Additional Features:
- Direct output and parallel output for flexible routing options.
- Balanced XLR output for connecting the pedal to a microphone preamp, PA system, etc.
- Internal stereo headphone amplifier with a 3.5mm stereo jack output.
- USB connectivity for loading cabinet simulation impulse responses and controlling various settings.

- The pedal has a current draw of 200mA and should only be used with a regulated 9V DC adapter with a center-negative plug to avoid suboptimal noise performance and potential damage.

These details provide a comprehensive overview of the Microtubes X Ultra's features, design, and functionality.

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