EchoTap Guitar Pedal By DLS Effects


Pedal Manufacturer

DLS Effects


The EchoTap by DLS Effects is a versatile delay pedal with a range of features and technical specifications. Here are the details:

- True Bypass Switching
- Two Echoes in One (One TAP settable echo, one Panel settable echo, both independently settable for up to 3 seconds long)
- Individual TAP echo volume and Panel echo volume controls
- Tone control for shaping the echoes from crystal clear replications to spacey echoes
- Repeat control (controls a single repeat to many repeats)
- Two inputs and two outputs for stereo in/out, mono in/stereo out, or mono in/mono out
- Analog instrument signal is maintained and mixed with the echoes
- Steel enclosure, steel pots, and steel jacks
- Powder-coated enclosure for durability
- 9vdc input, any polarity (9vdc transformer included)
- Internal adjustment pots for Inputs and Output level

Technical Specifications:
- Technology: High-Quality Analog (HQA) electronics and 16-bit digital electronics
- Sample Rate: 44.1kHz, 256x oversample
- Power: "+9vdc" Input for 9 to 13.8vdc, 90ma minimum, 2.1mm jack (DC adapter included)
- Enclosure: Solid heavy gauge steel, 5.5″W x 4.9″D x 2.4″H, powder-coat painted for durability
- Controls: Steel switches, pots, and ¼” jacks
- Weight: 2½ lbs

The EchoTap provides musicians with a wide range of delay options and is designed to deliver warm, versatile, and high-quality delay effects.

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