Dude Incredible Guitar Pedal By Electronic Audio Experiments

Dude Incredible


The Dude Incredible by Electronic Audio Experiments is a dual-channel pedal that combines the IVP "Tube Voice" preamp and a percolator-style fuzz. Here are the technical specifications and features:

Tube Voice Channel:
- Streamlined version of the Intersound IVP rackmount preamp from the 1970s
- Transformer-loaded overdrive circuit driven by a pre-gain shelving EQ
- Distinctive palette of frequency-selective distorted sounds
- Active pre-distortion low shelf (Bass) and high shelf (Treble) controls
- Hi/Lo toggle to change the gain range

Percolate Channel:
- Features a two-transistor fuzz with a painstakingly selected germanium transistor
- Diode switch to select between custom configuration and a traditional highly compressed mode
- Harmonics control for input gain
- Balance control for output level

General Specifications:
- Independent fuzz and preamp circuits with relay-based true bypass switching
- Input impedance @ 1kHz: 100kΩ (percolator) / 500kΩ (tube voice)
- Output impedance @ 1kHz: <25kΩ (percolator), <5kΩ (tube voice)
- Power: 9VDC, 2.1mm center negative barrel, current draw is 90mA with both channels engaged
- Mechanical form factor updated in Version 2
- Soft-touch relay bypass added in Version 2
- Over-voltage and ESD protection for the power supply added in Version 2

Additional Information:
- The pedal comes in a powder-coated 1590BB sized enclosure
- True bypass switching and standard center-negative power supply (accepts 9V DC)
- Multiple transistor options available for the harmonic percolator side
- Lifetime warranty tied to the original owner

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