Serf Guitar Pedal By Kingsley


Pedal Manufacturer



The Serf by Kingsley is a hand-wired valve (tube) boost pedal, utilizing a 12ax7 tube running at high voltage. The 12ax7 tube contains two gain stages. The first gain stage is a voltage amplifier that boosts the guitar's signal, while the second stage is wired as a DC-coupled cathode follower, providing a low impedance output. The pedal is suitable for general boosting duties and excels at pushing amps and overdrive pedals into higher gain. It is a clean boost that does not clip easily itself.

The applications for the Serf include:
- A full-range volume or solo boost, typically placed after any gain pedals
- A bright boost to liven a dark-sounding amp or as a simple preamp
- A boost for pushing overdrive pedals and amps harder, providing increased overdrive/saturation
- A valve buffer and tonal enhancer when the pedal is turned on

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