M291 Dyna Comp Mini Compressor Pedal Guitar Pedal By MXR

M291 Dyna Comp Mini Compressor Pedal

Pedal Manufacturer



The MXR M291 Dyna Comp Mini Compressor Pedal is a compact pedal that combines classic tone with modern convenience. It features a rare CA3080 "metal can" integrated circuit (IC) for quieter operation, greater transparency, and increased dynamic range. The pedal includes an all-new Attack switch that toggles between slow and fast attack times, providing flexibility in shaping the compressed sound.

- Input Impedance: 800 kΩ
- Output Impedance: 15 kΩ
- Max Input Level: -5 dBV
- Max Output Level: -12 dBV
- Max Compression: 36 dB
- THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): 0.2%
- Noise Floor: -95 dBV
- Current Draw: 4 mA
- Power Supply: 9VDC (Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies)

The pedal is designed to be powered by a 9-volt adapter or specific power supplies and cannot be powered by a battery. It features standard controls for OUTPUT, SENSITIVITY, and an ATTACK switch, along with a footswitch for toggling the effect on/off.

The compact dimensions of the pedal make it suitable for pedalboards with limited space, while its classic compression capabilities cater to a wide range of musical styles and applications.

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