Woolly Mammoth Guitar Pedal By ZVEX

Woolly Mammoth

Pedal Manufacturer



The Woolly Mammoth by ZVEX is a bass fuzz pedal designed to preserve sub- frequencies and is also favored for use with guitars. It features a gentle gate for silencing the instrument between notes or phrases and an EQ control that smoothly selects between more bass and more treble. The pedal is equipped with a Marshallâ„¢ style tone stack with Bass, Mid, and Treble controls, offering a departure from the original Woolly with its single tone knob.

The Vexter Series Woolly Mammoth pedal has dimensions of 4.70" x 2.38" x 1.82" and is designed for smooth, repeatable level settings. It operates on 9V DC center negative power supply (sold separately) with a power consumption of 0.5 mA. The pedal features true bypass and allows for spectral response adjustment by tilting the EQ, adding lows, softening the highs, and adjusting the mids.

For further technical assistance, repairs, or replacement parts, users can contact ZVEX directly at repairs@zvex.com or reach out to sales@zvex.com for inquiries about orders, marketing, or international shipping. Custom artwork requests for the pedal can also be made through the custom requests page on the ZVEX website.

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