Golden Ratio Phi Guitar Pedal By Crazy Tube Circuits

Golden Ratio Phi

Pedal Manufacturer

Crazy Tube Circuits


The Crazy Tube Circuits Golden Ratio Phi V2 is a compressor pedal that features three separate compressor circuits in one pedal, which can be selected using a toggle switch. Each all-analog circuit is independent and offers different compression characteristics, range, and response of controls to suit various playing styles.

The three compressor circuits are as follows:
1. FET Compressor: This circuit uses a FET transistor for gain reduction, adding a distinctive color to the signal and providing super-fast response. It may introduce a bit of musical distortion.
2. OTA Compressor: This circuit uses a feed-forward detector circuit, allowing it to "squeeze" things harder and providing punchy and direct sound. It is the most controllable circuit with a focus on catching fast transients and limiting.
3. OPTO (Optical) Compressor: This circuit utilizes a hand-selected photocell combined with a feed-back detector circuit to offer smooth attack and release characteristics, resulting in very musical and organic compression, even on extreme settings. It can also be set very neutral.

The pedal also includes a parallel compression technique for blending the compressed signal with the original uncompressed signal, providing clarity and precision found in studio recordings.

Additional features include:
- An internal switch to select between 9 or 18V DC operation for increased headroom and enhanced compression characteristics.
- Superb low-noise floor performance and full frequency response, making it ideal for guitar, bass, and virtually every instrument in studio or stage settings.

The pedal offers a comprehensive stack of controls, including Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release, Blend, and Volume dials, allowing for precise adjustment of the compression parameters. The LED indicator provides visual feedback on the degree of compression happening.

The Crazy Tube Circuits Golden Ratio Phi V2 is designed to be versatile, well- built, quiet, and fun to use, offering musicians a wide range of control over compression parameters and three different compression engines in one pedal.

The retail price for the Crazy Tube Circuits Golden Ratio Phi V2 is $249.

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