Screamer Overdrive v2 Guitar Pedal By Cusack Music

Screamer Overdrive v2

Pedal Manufacturer

Cusack Music


The Screamer Overdrive v2 by Cusack Music features the following specifications:

- Level (volume)
- Drive (gain)
- Tone control
- 3-way clipping toggle (left: silicon, center: asymmetrical LED, right: Schottky)
- Power options: Standard center negative 9V DC supply or 9V battery (neither included)
- Current draw: ~9mA
- Dimensions: 4.42" L x 2.39" W x 1.24" H

The pedal is designed to provide a "clean" overdrive with approximately twice the gain of a typical Tube Screamer, offering more clarity and tonal definition. It is constructed for maximum tonal definition and clarity, allowing individual notes of complex chords to be heard. The pedal also offers selectable standard, crushed, or asymmetrical clipping for versatile tonal options.

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