S200 Multi-Effects Guitar Pedal By DigiTech

S200 Multi-Effects

Pedal Manufacturer



The DigiTech S200 Multi-Effects processor is a versatile and powerful unit designed for studio and live applications. Here are the technical specifications and features:

- Dual-Engine Processing with Stereo input and output routings
- Large Custom Display for easy programming and operation
- 24-bit signal path, 48-bit internal data path
- 96 dB signal to noise ratio
- Vocoder Effect Module
- 5 Effect Routing Configurations
- Studio Reverbs and Modulation Effects
- 20 bit A/D and D/A Converters
- MIDI Program Change and CC Commands
- Footswitch Control
- Compressor and De-Esser Effects

The S200 offers a full palette of studio digital effects that can accommodate any studio or live situation, making it a powerful effects processor. It provides a range of effects including reverb, delay, chorus, flange, noise gate, Karaoke, pitch shifting, vocoder, and more. The unit also features a three-band EQ, noise gate, and the ability to defeat the dry signal path.

The S200 allows for easy program naming and storing changes, selecting effect configurations, editing engine A and B effect modules, adjusting effects, EQ, noise gate, and display contrast. It also supports MIDI functions and footswitch control for added flexibility.

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the technical specifications and features of the DigiTech S200 Multi-Effects processor.

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