Simplifier Bass Station Guitar Pedal By DSM & Humboldt Electronics

Simplifier Bass Station

Pedal Manufacturer

DSM & Humboldt Electronics


The Simplifier Bass Station by DSM & Humboldt Electronics is a versatile bass preamp with a range of features and technical specifications:

- Bass Preamp with gain, level, and a 3-band EQ with semi-parametric mid control
- Based on the Ampeg SVT amp, offering personality, versatility, and articulation
- Flexible EQ with +-15dB per band and switchable midrange from 400-900-1500Hz
- Parallel signal routing with a selectable low pass filter (LPF) at 100Hz, Off, 500Hz
- Dual FX loop for preamp and parallel signal
- Analog cabinet simulation based on the Omnicabsim by DSM Noisemaker
- Speaker color switch (Warm, Bright, Modern) simulating different speaker materials and geometry
- Resonance and Mic position controls for adjusting high-end brightness and cabinet low-end resonance
- Two effect loops for using different effects on the main preamp and parallel signal chain
- Dimensions: W: 115 mm, H: 65 mm, D: 55 mm
- Power supply specs: 9V to 12V DC voltage, regulated, 80 mA minimum current rating, center negative

These specifications highlight the Simplifier Bass Station's comprehensive functionality and design tailored for bass guitar applications.

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