The Toasted by Dusky Electronics is a transparent, low-to-medium gain overdrive pedal featuring a discrete class-A circuitry with a pair of MOSFET gain stages cascaded one into the other, similar to tube gain stages in a guitar amplifier. The pedal offers a dynamic low-to-medium gain range that stacks well with other pedals and substantial output volume to push a tube amplifier over the edge. Its controls include "Heat" (gain), "More" (volume), and "Color" (treble boost), providing a wide range of tonal shaping capabilities. Additionally, it features an internal MEAT switch to expand the low-end range, high impedance input for flexible signal chain placement, and the option for 18-volt operation or battery power. The Toasted Drive achieves amp-like overdrive through the natural overdrive of MOSFET gain stages, providing a versatile and organic overdrive tone.
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