Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 3 Guitar Pedal By EWS

Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 3

Pedal Manufacturer



The E.W.S. Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 3 is a versatile bass preamp with the following technical specifications and features:

- Size: 61.5mm (W) x 113.0mm (D) x 49.0mm (H)
- Weight: 292g
- True Bypass Switching
- Power Consumption: 9VDC / 3.3mA, 18VDC / 6.6mA
- Battery Type: 9VDC (006P) × 1
- Operating voltage options: 9VDC or 18VDC
- Gain control with clean boost mode (Normal) up to +18dB or high gain mode (Hi Gain) with compression at +26dB
- Treble control with ±15dB and switchable between 4KHz (low) or 8KHz (high) with a toggle switch
- Mid control knob with ±10dB and sweeping between 250Hz to 3KHz
- Bass control with ±15dB, switchable between 40Hz (low) and 80Hz (high) for accurate and flexible sound
- Option to use either a 9VDC battery or a 9VDC power adapter
- Relatively loud popping noise may occur when using the foot switch for ON/OFF or changing the mode shortly after turning the power on, or switching between 9VDC and 18VDC
- True Bypass Switching for seamless integration into pedalboards

The Tri-Logic Bass Preamp 3 is designed to provide bass players with precise control over their tone, offering a range of features and flexibility to suit various playing environments.

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