The Wash V2 Guitar Pedal By Hungry Robot

The Wash V2

Pedal Manufacturer

Hungry Robot


The Wash V2 by Hungry Robot is a tap-tempo delay and reverb pedal designed to cater to the needs of ambient players. It offers an outstanding analog-voiced, tap-tempo delay with just over 1000ms of delay time. The unique "Wash Circuit" adds reverb to the signal through a complex network of internal feedback loops, subtle multi-head Binson effect, and a "ripple effect," creating a hauntingly beautiful wash to the signal without compromising the clarity and presence of the original signal.

Key Technical Specifications:
- Current Draw: 92 mA
- Dimensions: 3.7” x 4.7”
- Powering: 9V DC - Negative Center - 2.1mm Barrel

The Wash V2 reacts dynamically to the player's input, offering a unique and dynamic quality that is hard to replicate with any other single pedal. The "Ripple" knob controls the Ripple Effect, where each successive delay trail slowly scatters and transforms into reverb. The "Resonance" knob fine-tunes the resonance and decay of the wash, while the middle "The Wash" knob controls the mix/level of the wash.

The new version (V2) features a smaller enclosure, with the circuit and tone quality remaining unchanged. Additionally, the option for top-mounted jacks is available, saving board space.

The Wash V2 has received positive reviews for its ability to create lush, dreamy landscapes and its applicability in various music scenarios, including electronic music with guitars and synths.

Overall, The Wash V2 by Hungry Robot is a versatile and innovative pedal that combines tap-tempo delay and reverb in a compact and high-quality design, making it an ideal choice for ambient players and musicians seeking to create unique sonic textures.

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