Echosex 2° Guitar Pedal By Gurus

Echosex 2°

Pedal Manufacturer



The Echosex 2° by Gurus is a pedal designed to faithfully reproduce the sounds and characteristics of the Binson Echorec 2°. It is engineered to overcome the technological limitations of its era and offers several key features:

- Transportability: Designed in a pedal format for easy integration into a pedalboard and powered like a standard pedal.
- Reliability: The pedal has no mechanical moving parts, eliminating the need for maintenance and reducing wear and tear.
- Performances: Capable of generating delays from 60ms up to 660ms, with Deep switches on the side panel for flexible usage in front of the amp or in the FX loop.
- Binson Reproduction: The Echosex 2° faithfully reproduces the spatial and 3D sound typical of the original Binson, with a completely tube-analog signal path. The "Age of Damage" control simulates the effect caused by mechanical parts wearing, allowing users to simulate the age of different Binson units.

Technical Specifications:
- Power In: 9 to 12VDC
- Consumption: Max 290mA
- Input Impedance: <1M Ohm
- Input Level: 1.2Vpp max
- Input Attenuation: 0/-10db
- Output Impedance: <100K Ohm
- Output Level: 0/+4db
- Mix Level: 50% max
- Signal Noise Ratio: <80db
- Tube Type: 12Ax7B
- Dimensions: 165mm (Width) x 125mm (Length) x 35mm (Height)
- Weight: 0.7Kg

The pedal also features controls for Volume Echo, Echo time, Length of Swell, Bass-Treble, and Age of Damage, allowing users to fine-tune the delay effect to their preferences.

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