Gain Stage Blue Guitar Pedal By Jetter

Gain Stage Blue

Pedal Manufacturer



The Gain Stage Blue by Jetter is a unique overdrive pedal designed to emulate the sound of a vintage overdriven tube amp. It offers a wide range of tones from clean boost to heavy overdrive, making it suitable for various playing styles and musical genres. The pedal is hand-built in the USA and is designed for professional use with high-quality equipment.

Key Features:
1. Gain Control: The pedal features a carefully designed gain structure that allows for a wide range of overdrive tones. The gain knob settings enable players to achieve transparent and warm clean boost, mild overdrive, and vintage cranked tones without mushing out in the bass.
2. Tone Control: The passive tone control is carefully selected to provide a useful response throughout the entire tone sweep, offering a wide range of tonal possibilities without becoming too harsh in the upper frequencies.
3. Hard/Soft Switches: These switches select the type of clipping used with the gain in the circuit, shaping the overall character of the overdrive. The Hard setting provides a dynamic and pronounced response, while the Soft setting offers a more compressed and gainy tone.
4. I-II Switch: This switch offers two different levels of gain, each with its own voicing, complementing a wider range of amps and guitar combinations.

The Gain Stage Blue is designed to deliver true amp-like response, extreme harmonic content, balanced tonal response, and touch sensitivity. It is equipped with controls and switches that allow for greater compatibility with different amps and guitars, making it a versatile tool for musicians of all levels.

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