Mighty Red Distortion Guitar Pedal By Mad Professor

Mighty Red Distortion

Pedal Manufacturer

Mad Professor


The Mighty Red Distortion pedal by Mad Professor is a high-gain distortion pedal designed to replicate the compressed gain sounds of the 1980s. It offers a versatile range of features and functionality, making it suitable for various use-cases. Here are the technical specifications:

- VOLUME: Sets the level of the distorted signal.
- DISTORTION: Controls the amount of distortion.
- PRESENCE: Controls upper treble without affecting the upper midrange, allowing adjustment from warm and sweet tones to cutting leads with an attitude.

Electrical Specifications:
- Supply voltage range: 7.5 to 18VDC
- Current consumption: 10.6 mA at 9VDC
- Max gain: 62dB
- Max output: 1V pk-pk or 500mV rms
- Signal/Noise ratio: Approximately 96dB
- Complete bypass (true bypass)
- EAN: 643003309 112 8

The pedal is designed to provide a signature 80s sound with low noise levels and high versatility. It features a special amplifier technique and extremely low noise amplifier stages, resulting in a natural decay and high current consumption for a distortion pedal in view of battery operation.

The Mighty Red Distortion pedal is suitable for fans of 80s metal, hard rock, and other genres requiring high-gain distortion. It can also be stacked with other pedals, such as an overdrive, for extreme and highly focused sounds.

For more detailed information, the manual can be downloaded from the manufacturer's specifications.

For further assistance or to purchase the product, you can contact Mad Professor Amplification Ltd. through the provided technical support and general contact information.

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

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