TimeLab Guitar Pedal By Mastro Valvola


Pedal Manufacturer

Mastro Valvola


The Mastro Valvola TimeLab is a hybrid analog/digital delay pedal designed to provide a wide range of time-based effects. It features an analog dry signal path and feedback filter coupled with a digital multi-algorithm delay. The pedal offers four delay algorithms: Digital, Analog, Resonance, and Modulation. The dry signal and the repetition filter are controlled by the analog part of the circuit, while powerful, specially created digital algorithms manage the repetitions, reproducing four original delay resonances, all of exceptionally high sound quality.

Key Features:
- Hybrid delay pedal with analog/digital capabilities
- Four delay algorithms: Digital, Analog, Resonance, and Modulation
- Active analog filter to emphasize the frequency response of the repetitions
- Delay times range from 0ms to 1000ms
- Tap tempo with three ratios
- Feedback repeats from single to self-oscillation
- Dry/wet mix
- True bypass

The TimeLab pedal is user-friendly and suitable for immediate use, but also ideal for users with a passion for sound research and experimentation. It offers extensive control possibilities and allows for synchronization of various controls to create unique moods.

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