WHE707 Supa-Puss Guitar Pedal By Way Huge

WHE707 Supa-Puss

Pedal Manufacturer

Way Huge


The WHE707 Supa-Puss by Way Huge is an analog delay pedal designed to offer extensive control over delay parameters. It features up to 900ms of delay time and six bucket-brigade chips, providing a wide range of delay options. The pedal includes a Tap Tempo switch for real-time programming of up to three seconds of delay time, allowing for ethereal ambience.

The Subdivision control enables users to set how repeats are subdivided, and the unique Chase mode allows repeats to cycle through different subdivision values for creative effects. In addition to standard Delay and Feedback controls, the pedal offers further sound-shaping options, including Tone for color shaping, Gain for adding grit, and Speed and Depth controls for LFO modulation effects.

The Supa-Puss Analog Delay also features a true Mix control for blending wet and dry signals, as well as an expression pedal jack for continuous, real-time control over delay time. The pedal can be powered by a 9-volt adapter or compatible power supplies.

This pedal is suitable for musicians seeking precise control over analog delay effects, offering a wide range of creative possibilities for both studio and live performance applications.

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