Planetarium 2 Guitar Pedal By Neon Egg

Planetarium 2

Pedal Manufacturer

Neon Egg


The Planetarium 2 by Neon Egg is a versatile effects pedal designed to create epic sounds for synthesizers, guitars, vocals, and more. It features a stereo Reverb and Chorus running into a Tape Echo with a built-in Compressor. The pedal also includes external side chaining for creating modulated echoes and lush lines. The Planetarium 2 is designed to provide instant ambient and post- rock effects, with the ability to blur and scale any input signal. The pedal has been updated to include improved modulation, a modulation shape switch, a short/long switch for the compressor, and true stereo output. The input jack now automatically detects mono or stereo signals, and a pad switch on the reverb/delay output has been added. The power supply has been enhanced for increased headroom, allowing it to play nicely with Eurorack systems. The Planetarium 2 is hand-built and available for purchase directly from Neon Egg.

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