Solo Guitar Pedal By ProCo


Pedal Manufacturer



The Solo by ProCo is an analog distortion and overdrive pedal that offers a versatile range of tones and features. Housed in a durable steel enclosure, the Solo pedal is designed to provide a departure from the RAT series of pedals with its unique characteristics.

Key Features:
1. Three-way selectable "hot, melt, & burn" modes
2. Highly interactive "scoop" and "tone" controls
3. True-bypass switching for no coloration of sound when the pedal is off
4. Asymmetrical clipping using three pairs of carefully matched clipping diodes
5. Capable of producing vibey, warm low gain tones to aggressive high gain tones
6. Extremely tube-like, articulate, and touch-sensitive even at high gain settings
7. Equally suitable for lead and rhythm playing with a wide variety of amplifiers and guitars

Technical Specifications:
- Input Impedance: 1 mOhm
- Equivalent Input Noise: -110 dB
- Output Impedance: 1 Kilohm
- Maximum Gain: 60 dB
- Filter: 6 dB/octave low-pass
- Power Options: 9V Battery or DC PSU

The Solo pedal remains true to the sound of the guitar, offering clarity for complex chords and ease of sustain for leads. It is designed to clean up when the volume knob is rolled back, similar to a good tube amp. The pedal's unique asymmetrical clipping and versatile controls make it a valuable addition to any guitarist's arsenal.

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