Vapor Trail Analog Delay Guitar Pedal By Seymour Duncan

Vapor Trail Analog Delay

Pedal Manufacturer

Seymour Duncan


The Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail Analog Delay pedal is a studio-quality analog delay pedal with specific technical specifications and features. Here are the details:

- Type of Circuitry: The pedal utilizes analog Bucket Brigade Devices (BBDs) supported by modern low-noise analog electronics, with no microprocessors or digital signal processors.

- Bypass: True bypass functionality.

- Delay Range: The delay time ranges from 15ms to 600ms, with the actual delay time indicated by the flash rate of the illuminated delay time knob.

- Dry Gain: Fixed at 1dB.

- Wet Gain: Adjustable from muted to +3dB. At the highest blend settings, the first echo is actually louder than the dry signal.

- Repeat Control Range: From one repeat to runaway repeats.

- Modulation Rate Range: 0.2Hz to 4Hz.

- Modulation Depth Range: Ranges from zero to "over the top."

- Auxiliary Functions: The pedal features a wet channel insert loop, allowing external effects to be applied to only the wet signal. It also serves as a wet-only output for wet/dry stereo or studio use.

- Dry Frequency Response: Less than -1dB @ 10Hz and 100kHz.

- Dry Distortion: 0.002% at 250Hz, 1V RMS output.

- Dry Noise Floor: -100dBv at output, 400Hz to 20kHz with input unplugged.

- Wet Noise Floor: -90dBV at output, 400Hz to 20kHz.

- Input Impedance: 1 Meg (active); open (bypassed).

- Output Impedance: 1K ohm.

- Power: The pedal can be powered by an internal 9V battery or an external 9V-18V regulated power supply (not included).

- Current Consumption: Typical consumption is 11mA.

- Dimensions: The chassis size is 2.61" x 4.90" x 1.45" (W x L x H), and the weight is 0.8lb without a battery.

These technical specifications highlight the capabilities and functionality of the Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail Analog Delay pedal, making it suitable for a wide range of musical applications.

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