Blueprint Guitar Pedal By VFE


Pedal Manufacturer



The VFE Blueprint is an analog-voiced delay pedal designed for warm, ambient delays without compromising tone clarity. It offers a delay time range of 40-580ms, making it suitable for various musical applications. The pedal features controls for Time, Mix, and Echo, as well as Speed/Depth mini knobs for modulation. Additionally, it incorporates internal bright/dark trim pots for tone adjustment.

The Blueprint pedal is built with rugged diecast aluminum enclosures and utilizes TrueSoft + DualMode true bypass switching for seamless operation. It also includes industrial-grade Carling switches, Neutrik audio jacks, and Alpha pots soldered directly to the PCB. The internal components consist of 5% WIMA film capacitors and 1% metal film resistors, along with Cardas Audio ultra-pure, eutectic silver solder.

Furthermore, the pedal is equipped with a TONE control for adjusting the blend to brighten or darken the tone according to personal preference. It also offers modulation for adding slight detuning, warbled chaos, or pseudo-chorus sounds. The Blueprint pedal is hand-built in Puyallup, WA, USA, and is designed to deliver a versatile range of delay effects suitable for different musical styles.

For detailed technical documentation and design files to build the Blueprint pedal, including schematics, Eagle files, Gerber files, assembly sheets, and drilling templates, users can obtain a digital download of the ZIP file from the manufacturer's website. These files are intended for personal use only, and individuals interested in building and selling the Blueprint commercially can become authorized VFE builders.

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