Vibrophase Guitar Pedal By ZVEX


Pedal Manufacturer



The Vibrophase by ZVEX is a unique guitar effect pedal that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. Here are the technical specifications and details:

- The Vibrophase is a phaser pedal that is based on the world's first candle- powered guitar effect, the Candela VibroPhase.
- It features a Stirling heat engine, which provides mechanical power from the heat of the candle, and a glass bulb that takes heat from the flame and spins round and round.
- The pedal includes two solar cells illuminated by the candle, producing 9 volts for the effect's electronics at 0.33mA.
- The speed control on the Stirling engine uses force at a distance via eddy currents generated in the engine's flywheel by a powerful adjustable magnet.
- The pedal allows users to paint their own modulation patterns on the interchangeable optical control discs, creating a customizable LFO wave shape and rhythm.

- The pedal's dimensions are 4.3125" x 2.625" x 2".

- The Vibrophase offers a wide speed range, sweeping from subtle vibrato to Leslie-like phasing.
- It provides a unique phase and vibrato nuances never heard before, offering a versatile range of modulation effects.
- The pedal features a rotating neutral density filter that allows users to set the overall brightness going into the electronics package, centering the way the Vibrophase's sound moves around.
- The light from the candle that passes through the optical disk and shines on the circuit's photocells modulates the vibrato/phaser circuit.

- The Vibrophase is designed for guitar effects enthusiasts who seek a wildly adjustable take on the Univibe, offering a unique and customizable modulation experience.

For pricing and availability, please contact ZVEX directly.

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