LVL Full-Range Overdriver Guitar Pedal By 1981 Inventions

LVL Full-Range Overdriver

Pedal Manufacturer

1981 Inventions


The LVL Full-Range Overdriver by 1981 Inventions is a professional low-gain device that achieves overdrive gain ranges with a new and unique circuit. It features a combination of light clipping and op-amp push, giving the pedal a unique sound and gain structure. The pedal is designed to work great on bass, providing a truly full-range frequency response and meticulously tuned mids. It is also noted to stack well with other pedals, enhancing the performance of fuzz and overdrive pedals. The pedal is powered by a 9V DC power supply and features 1/4" input and output jacks in a mono format. The pedal is analog and is available in a standard pedal format. The design is available in black/white finish and is made in the United States. The pedal has a minimalistic design with two knobs, LVL for gain control and VOL for master volume. It is described as a versatile pedal that can provide a range of tones from a single-coil boost to a more overdriven jangle, and even heavier gain- filled rhythm sounds.

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