Octabvre Mini Guitar Pedal By 3Leaf Audio

Octabvre Mini

Pedal Manufacturer

3Leaf Audio


The Octabvre Mini by 3Leaf Audio is a compact octave pedal designed for bass players. It features a modified and miniaturized design compared to the original Octabvre. The pedal includes Volume, Mix, and Tone knobs, offering a wide range of sub-octave sounds. The reworked tone knob allows for classic OC-2-inspired thump to all-out sub fuzz. The technical specifications include dimensions of 64mm wide and 118mm high, with a current draw of ? mA / ? V AC/DC. The circuit type is analog, and it operates at 9V DC, center negative, with a current draw of 25mA. The pedal is designed to provide great sub-octave tones and superior tracking in a user-friendly package.

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