Vitriol Guitar Pedal By Mantic


Pedal Manufacturer



The Vitriol by Mantic is a variable high-gain distortion pedal with integrated low-pass and high-pass filters. It is designed for use with both bass guitar and guitar. The pedal features a heavy-duty mechanical footswitch, true bypass, a "dry" signal output jack, and a 9V DC center-negative barrel jack. The current draw is 13mA.

- Variable high-gain distortion
- Integrated low-pass and high-pass filters
- Heavy-duty mechanical footswitch
- True bypass
- "Dry" signal output jack
- 9V DC center-negative barrel jack
- 13mA current draw

The Vitriol is constructed from high-quality components and features two output jacks: one for the wet signal and another for the dry signal. It also includes controls for level and distortion, providing ultimate tone control.

No further technical specifications are available at this time.

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