Fuzzistor Guitar Pedal By Aguilar


Pedal Manufacturer



The Aguilar Fuzzistor is a bass fuzz pedal that delivers classic silicon transistor distortion, providing deep and textured tones. Its features and technical specifications include:

- Analog Silicon transistor distortion
- Gig-saver bypass (signal passes even if your battery dies)
- Inputs: One 1/4" jack
- Outputs: One 1/4" jack
- Power: Nine-volt battery or optional universal power supply
- Controls: Blend, Level, Tone, Fuzz, and Engage switch
- Warranty: Three year limited

The Fuzzistor allows for complete control over the blend of the clean and fuzz sound, the amount of fuzz from subtle to crushing, level for gain matching, and tone which is a tilt EQ that changes the harmonic structure of the fuzz from booming to gnarly.

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