Crimson Red Bass Preamp Guitar Pedal By One Control

Crimson Red Bass Preamp

Pedal Manufacturer

One Control


The Crimson Red Bass Preamp by One Control is designed to reproduce the iconic old school 60s/70s electric bass sound by providing a boost to the bottom end at an extremely low distortion level. The preamp features the following technical specifications:

- Input impedance: 650K
- Output impedance: 25K
- Drive voltage: 9V to 15V
- Current consumption: 1mA @ 9V
- Signal-to-noise ratio: -80dBm
- Size: 39Wx100Dx31H mm (excluding protruding parts), 47Wx100Dx46H mm (including protruding parts)
- Weight: Approximately 160 grams
- True-Bypass Switching
- High-Quality Aluminum Enclosure
- Power: 9V Battery or Standard DC Power Supply

The preamp allows control over three main characteristics:
- Volume: Output volume
- Brilliance: Bandwidth control. At maximum, treble can pass, while at the most counter-clockwise position, only bass is amplified.
- Gain: Boost control

The Crimson Red Bass Preamp can be used as a preamp for modern bass amplification setups while bringing back the old school feel of a 60s upright bass and 70s electric bass.

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