1927 Home Run King Comp Guitar Pedal By Animals Pedal

1927 Home Run King Comp

Pedal Manufacturer

Animals Pedal


The Animals Pedal 1927 Home Run King Comp is a popular compressor pedal designed for electric guitar. It features a natural sound and is easy to operate, with a real-time LED display of the compressor action. The latest edition comes with a bigger housing and detailed artwork. The compressor is described as "natural" and is designed to be easy to understand and use for modern players.

Key Specifications:
- Current consumption: 17.5mA
- Input impedance: 500k
- Output impedance: 10k
- Size: 64 W x 112 D x 50 H mm (including projections)
- Weight: 378g

- Vol. : Adjusts the volume
- COMP: Adjusts the strength of the compressor
- EQ: Adjusts the tone

The compressor is equipped with an active LED light that indicates when the effect is active and blinks dynamically when the compressor is working to visually show its impact on the signal. The tone is described as natural- sounding, and the EQ knob allows for a full range of tone control, enabling adjustments to bring the guitar forward in the mix or darken the tone as needed.

In addition to its compression and tone shaping capabilities, the Animals Pedal 1927 Home Run King Comp achieves studio-grade low noise performance using quality parts and design, providing a sound similar to a high-end studio machine. The pedal is powered by a 9V battery or a standard center minus DC9V adapter and features a true bypass foot switch.

Overall, the 1927 Home Run King Comp is designed to provide guitarists with a versatile and high-quality compression effect that enhances and limits signal levels and tone density, making it easier to play beautiful clean passages and achieve effortless sustain.

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