FZ-10 Baby Boom Fuzz Star Guitar Pedal By Biyang

FZ-10 Baby Boom Fuzz Star

Pedal Manufacturer



The Biyang FZ-10 Baby Boom Fuzz Star is a versatile fuzz pedal designed for electric guitar. It features a standard size cast aluminum enclosure and inherits the strengths of the Tonefancier series. The pedal offers three modes of fuzz selectable with a 3-way switch, allowing for a wide range of fuzz tones from subtle to intense. The controls include "Level," "Tone," and "Fuzz" knobs for customizing the sound, with the "Tone" controlling the top end, "Fuzz" adjusting the amount of distortion, and "Level" controlling the volume. Additionally, there is a 3-way selection switch for further sound alteration, offering "Normal," "Bright," and "Warm" modes.

The pedal is built with a durable and sturdy metal design, making it suitable for regular use. It also features true bypass foot switches to ensure minimal impact on the tone. The FZ-10 Fuzz Star can be powered by a 9V battery or a 9V adaptor. It has a current draw of 5mA and comes in a cream color with a weight of 350g and unboxed size of 6x11x3.5cm.

Overall, the Biyang FZ-10 Baby Boom Fuzz Star is known for its smooth and versatile fuzz tones, making it a valuable addition to any guitarist's pedalboard.

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