M84 Bass Fuzz Deluxe Guitar Pedal By MXR

M84 Bass Fuzz Deluxe

Pedal Manufacturer



The MXR M84 Bass Fuzz Deluxe is a pedal designed specifically for bassists, based on a rare vintage fuzz circuit but modified for modern use. It delivers a bold and cutting fuzz tone while retaining clarity and punch in the original signal. The pedal features separate Dry and Wet level controls, allowing for tonal versatility and the ability to blend from subtle hairiness to full-on raging fuzz.

Key Specifications:
- Input Impedance: 1 MΩ
- Output Impedance: 100 Ω
- Signal to Noise: 90 dBV
- Fuzz Gain Range: 40 dB
- Dry Max Gain: +6 dB
- Bypass: True Hardwire
- Current Draw: 11 mA
- Power Supply: 9 volts DC

- DRY: Controls the direct signal output level
- WET: Controls the fuzz signal output level
- TONE: Controls the color of the fuzz signal only
- FUZZ: Controls the amount of fuzz
- Footswitch: Toggles effect on/bypass (White LED indicates on)

Power Options:
The MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe can be powered by one 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt AC adapter (ECB003E in Europe), or a Dunlop DCB10 DC Brick power supply.

The pedal's analog circuitry ensures a rich and organic tone, and its true hardwire bypass feature maintains the integrity of the original signal when the effect is bypassed.

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