Foxcatcher Guitar Pedal By CopperSound Pedals


Pedal Manufacturer

CopperSound Pedals


The Foxcatcher by CopperSound Pedals is an award-winning 2-in-1 overdrive pedal with a boost section. It features a powerful EQ and presence control, as well as a Burr Brown audiophile-grade op amp. The pedal offers independent or stacked clean boost options and an order toggle to place the boost before or after the drive. It also includes an integrated output buffer and operates on 9-18V DC power. The pedal's dimensions are 4.72″ x 3.71″, and it consumes 35mA at 9V or 55mA at 18V. The design incorporates mechanical, true bypass switching for seamless operation. Additionally, the pedal offers two different types of clipping devices accessible via a toggle switch, providing a more aggressive sound with the silicon position and a more compressed and smooth timbre with the germanium position.

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