Microtubes B7K Guitar Pedal By Darkglass Electronics

Microtubes B7K

Pedal Manufacturer

Darkglass Electronics


The Darkglass Microtubes B7K is a bass preamp pedal with the following technical specifications:

- Input Impedance: 500kΩ
- Output Impedance: 1kΩ
- Current Consumption: ~26mA
- Voltage: 9V DC (Center Negative)
- Dimensions: Width: 94 mm / 3¾″, Length: 120 mm/ 4¾″, Height: 46 mm / 1¾″
- Weight: 320 g / 0.7 lb

Features and Controls:
- Blend: Mixes the clean input signal with the overdriven signal.
- Level: Sets the volume of the overdriven signal.
- Drive: Sets the amount of saturation in the overdriven signal.
- Grunt Switch: Sets the amount of low frequency content to saturate by selecting between three different bass boost levels before the clipping stage.
- Attack Switch: Sets the amount of treble content to saturate.
- Low, Low Mids, Hi Mids, and Treble controls for adjusting frequency bands.

The pedal also includes various input and output options, including a ground lift control, direct output, parallel output, and a warning about the current draw of 26 mA and the requirement for a regulated 9V DC adapter with a center- negative plug.

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