Dyna-ssoR Guitar Pedal By JAM Pedals


Pedal Manufacturer

JAM Pedals


The Dyna-ssoR by JAM Pedals is a compressor/sustainer pedal designed to provide exceptional tone control and sustain. It features the following technical specifications:

- Controls:
- Level: Controls overall output
- Sustain: Sets compression/sustain amount

- Power:
- Can be powered by a 9V battery or 9V (-) adapter
- Power consumption: 6mA when on

- Dimensions: 111 x 30 x 32 mm

- Custom paint jobs/version available

- Limited lifetime warranty

The Dyna-ssoR is also available in a bass version, equipped with the rare NOS CA3080 chip, designed to work best with passive pickups/electronics. Hot- output active instruments might clip the pedal's input stage depending on your settings.

The pedal is hand-built in Greece and is known for its ability to enhance the tone, provide sustain, and offer responsive controls. It is suitable for a wide range of musical styles and instruments, delivering a vintage-inspired sound with modern reliability.

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