Bass Multi Chorus Guitar Pedal By DigiTech

Bass Multi Chorus

Pedal Manufacturer



The DigiTech Bass Multi Chorus is designed specifically for bass and offers up to 16 bass chorus voices simultaneously, creating a lush bass chorusing effect. It features a single input and a pair of outputs, with Out 1 used when connecting to only one amplifier or mixer. The pedal includes controls for Speed, which varies the rate of the chorus sweep, Depth, which controls the range or width of the chorus sweep, and Voice, allowing morphing from one to sixteen chorus voices. Additionally, the pedal has built-in voice randomization that increases as more voices are added to thicken the sound further. The Bass Multi Chorus is designed to keep low notes clean while providing a rich chorus effect.

The pedal is compact in design and is equipped with full, analog-like tone for the low-end, making it suitable for a variety of musical styles. It is also built with a sturdy construction, making it suitable for live performances and studio use.

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