BP90 Bass Modeling Multi Effects Processor Guitar Pedal By DigiTech

BP90 Bass Modeling Multi Effects Processor

Pedal Manufacturer



The DigiTech BP90 Bass Modeling Multi Effects Processor features 27 effects, 11 amps, 5 cabinets, and 5 stompboxes, providing a wide selection of tones and effects. It includes 100 preset locations (50 user and 50 factory) and 40 high-quality drum patterns for practice. The built-in chromatic tuner and headphone jack enable silent practicing, while the expression pedal allows real-time control over wah, volume, and DigiTech Whammy effects. The processor is equipped with a 24-bit high-performance audio A/D/A converter, 44.1 kHz sampling rate, and AudioDNA2 DSP processor. It offers 9 simultaneous effects and 50 user presets. The BP90 also includes various audio inputs and outputs, with dimensions of 6.5" (depth) x 8.5" (width) x 2" (height) and a weight of 1.52 lbs.

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