B2 Four Bass Multi-effects Processor Guitar Pedal By Zoom

B2 Four Bass Multi-effects Processor

Pedal Manufacturer



The Zoom B2 Four Bass Multi-effects Processor is a versatile and powerful tool for bass players, offering a wide range of features and functionality. Here are the technical specifications and details:

- Dimensions: 146 mm (D) × 249 mm (W) × 72 mm (H)
- Weight: 906 g
- Maximum number of simultaneous effects: 5
- User patch memories: 300
- A/D conversion: 24-bit 128× oversampling
- D/A conversion: 24-bit 128× oversampling
- Signal processing: 32-bit
- Display: 256×128 dot-matrix LCD
- Inputs:
- Standard mono phone jack
- Rated input level: −20 dBu
- Input impedance (line): 1 or 10 MΩ (switchable)
- Stereo mini jack
- Rated input level: −10 dBu
- Input impedance (line): 10 kΩ
- Outputs:
- Standard mono phone jacks
- Maximum output level: +11.4 dBu (when output impedance 10 kΩ or higher)
- XLR jack
- Impedance: 100 Ω (HOT-GND, COLD-GND)/200 Ω (HOTCOLD)
- GND LIFT (switchable)
- PHONES: Stereo mini jack
- Maximum output power: 33 mW + 33 mW (into 32Ω load)
- Input S/N: 124 dB
- Noise floor (residual noise):
- LEFT/RIGHT: –96.0 dBu
- PHONES –96.0 dBu
- Control input: FP02M input
- Power: AC adapter 9V DC 500mA center negative (ZOOM AD-16)
- USB 2.0 Type-C port (use cable that supports Type-C)
- Audio interface: USB 2.0 Full Speed, 32-bit, 2-in/2-out
- Dimensions: 146 mm (D) × 249 mm (W) × 72 mm (H)
- Weight: 906 g

The B2 Four features 104 effects, 250 presets, and 6 iconic DI models. It is equipped with Zoom's Multi-Layer IR technology, 11 realistic amp/cabinet models, and 11 preamp models. The pedal also includes a 60-second built-in looper, 68 rhythm patterns, and a balanced output for connecting directly to a PA or interface. Additionally, it can be used as a 2-in/2-out audio interface to connect to a computer or smartphone.

The pedal is designed to cater to a wide range of bass players, offering historic bass sounds, rich amp and cabinet models, and a variety of effects including compressors, filters, drive modules, modulation effects, delays, and synth effects.

Overall, the Zoom B2 Four Bass Multi-effects Processor is a comprehensive and versatile tool for bass players, suitable for both live performance and studio recording applications.

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