Mono Synth Guitar Pedal By Electro-Harmonix

Mono Synth

Pedal Manufacturer



The Electro-Harmonix Mono Synth is a guitar synthesizer that transforms the guitar into eleven synthesizer sounds, ranging from vintage synth emulations to fat, stacked voices and soaring lead sounds. The pedal is designed to work on guitar without any modifications, special pickups, or MIDI implementation. Its intuitive layout makes it easy to use and dial in cool sounds quickly.

Key features and specifications include:
- DRY and SYNTH controls for adjusting the volume of the dry guitar signal and synthesizer sound at the Synth Output
- SENS control to adjust how playing dynamics trigger the synthesizer
- CTRL knob for adjusting a key parameter for each of the eleven synth types
- EXP input for real-time expressive control with an expression pedal
- Built-in Preset footswitch for creating, saving, and recalling user- customizable presets for each of the eleven synth sounds
- Dimensions: 4.0" (w) x 4.75" (l) x 2.25" (h)
- Power adapter included
- Circuit: Digital
- Bypass: Buffered Bypass
- Audio: Mono
- Power Supply: 9.6VDC-200mA power adapter included
- Current Draw: 125mA
- Year Released: 2019

The Mono Synth offers an array of synth sounds and provides users with the flexibility to customize and save presets for their preferred synth types.

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