Sending Guitar Pedal By Electronic Audio Experiments



The Sending V2 by Electronic Audio Experiments is an analog delay pedal that combines the archaic voice of bucket brigade devices with a modern toolbox of digital control. It features a pair of MN3005 BBDs and comprehensive analog processing techniques, allowing for a delay of up to a full second without clock noise. The pedal can be pushed to even longer times for compelling sonic degradation. The input includes a discrete preamplifier capable of subtle enhancement or warm saturation that melds perfectly with the delay line. Additionally, it offers a dual-mode feedback filter to shape the repeats, a flexible LFO engine to modulate the delay time, and a 32-bit, 100MHz processor for deep user control, preset functionality, and MIDI access to every parameter.

Key Features:
- Full second of delay using a pair of MN3005s, extendable to 2 seconds with tap tempo or MIDI
- Tap tempo that ramps feedback when held down
- Insert loop to add external effects to the delay path
- 3 presets via the front panel, up to 32 via MIDI
- Multi-function LFO to modulate the delay time
- Assignable expression control
- Firmware updates via the MIDI jack using a portal on the Electronic Audio Experiments website

- Time: delay time from <5ms to 1 second
- Div: tempo divisions
- Color: adjusts preamp gain while keeping level consistent
- Trim: adjust volume up/down by 6dB
- Mix: wet/dry blend
- Mix Mode: Sets Mix knob as a crossfader between wet/dry or as a delay level control only
- Feedback: sets the number of repeats, from one repeat to self-oscillation
- Swell time: adjusts speed of feedback swell when Tap is held
- Filter: cut lows or highs in the delay line
- Rate: LFO rate
- Chaos: LFO randomization
- Depth: LFO intensity
- Shape: Set LFO waveform
- Preset Select Buttons (I, II, III): long press to save a preset, short press to recall
- Engage Footswitch: turn effect on/off. Hold for 2 seconds to change the bypass mode
- Tap Footswitch: tap to set the delay time as a running average. Hold to ramp feedback up to max!

The Sending V2 is priced at $649 and is expected to be available in mid to late July 2023.

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