Demon Guitar Pedal By Fuzzrocious


Pedal Manufacturer



The Demon is a low to medium-high gain drive pedal with distortion-like capabilities. It is designed to provide a warm response and controls for volume, tone, and gain. The pedal features a bypass footswitch, volume pot, tone pot, drive pot, and an on/off LED indicator. It comes in a 1590BB enclosure and is available in various finishes and hardware options.

The Demon is capable of producing a pushed amp sound at high drive settings and a "just on the verge of breakup" tone at lower drive settings. Additionally, the pedal offers a gate/boost mod that allows it to jump into the gated fuzz range. The Demon King is a larger version of the Demon, offering similar low to medium-high gain drive with distortion-like capabilities and the gate/boost mod for gated fuzz effects.

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