Seven Sisters - Ruby Guitar Pedal By Red Witch

Seven Sisters - Ruby

Pedal Manufacturer

Red Witch


The Seven Sisters - Ruby by Red Witch is a compact and versatile fuzz pedal designed for guitarists seeking a wide range of tones. The pedal features two simple controls for volume and fuzz, allowing users to dial in a remarkably varied number of different tones from silky soft fuzz to an all-consuming tidal wave of sonic saturation. The pedal utilizes silicon transistor fuzz and is equipped with jack sockets mounted on the top side.

Key Features:
- Fuzz and Volume controls
- Silicon Transistor Fuzz
- Jack sockets mounted on top side
- True bypass
- Can use either internal rechargeable battery or standard 9-volt DC wall wart supply

Technical Specifications:
- Current Draw: 110mA
- Weight: 157 grams
- Dimensions: 90mm x 30mm x 45mm

The pedal can be powered by either an internal rechargeable battery or a standard 9-volt DC wall wart supply. When connected to a regular guitar pedal power supply and charged for four hours, the pedal provides up to 300 hours of actual use. The compact design and internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery make the Seven Sisters - Ruby a convenient and portable option for guitarists.

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