Soul Press Guitar Pedal By Hotone

Soul Press

Pedal Manufacturer



The Soul Press II by Hotone is a versatile pedal designed to integrate up to four function modes, including volume, wah, volume/wah, and expression, thereby enhancing playability. The pedal features a pot resistance (EXP out) of 10kΩ, input impedance of 1MΩ, and output impedance of 100Ω. The wah range selector offers two options: WARM (290Hz to 1.4kHz) and CLASSIC (360Hz to 1.8kHz), providing a wide range of tonal possibilities.

The pedal is equipped with a pedal position indicator that displays the pedal position in real time, allowing for precise control. It also features Q (effect range) and TONE (frequency range) adjustments, providing a wider tone selection from soothing moods to wild roars, all within one pedal. The multiple I/O options enhance playability, with an additional independent expression pedal output for real-time control of other effects and an external tuner jack to remove unnecessary sound contamination from the effect chain.

The Soul Press II is designed with a clear STATUS indicator and maintains the signature portability of Hotone designs while providing a larger contact surface for an improved ergonomic experience. The pedal's dimensions are 81mm (W) x 162mm (D) x 51mm (H), and it weighs 500g. It is constructed with a lightweight aluminum alloy casing and a durable steel shaft connection, ensuring both portability and durability.

Additional features include true bypass, increased footprint for a better user experience, cool STATUS LEDs with mode switch to indicate pedal position in real time, and the ability to operate on a 9V DC power supply or a 9V battery. The Soul Press II is a versatile and innovative pedal suitable for a wide range of musical applications.

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