Bass Liner Guitar Pedal By HAO

Bass Liner

Pedal Manufacturer



The HAO Bass Liner Preamp pedal, co-designed with Phil Jones of Phil Jones Bass, is a stompbox-sized preamp offering a range of professional audio features. It is primarily designed for four, five, and six-string bass guitars. The pedal features a 5-band EQ with separate Input Gain and Output Level controls, providing up to +10 dB boost. The 5-band EQ offers 18 dB of cut/boost at key frequencies, including 50 Hz, 160 Hz, 630 Hz, 2.5 kHz, and 12 kHz, allowing for precise tonal adjustments to suit various musical styles and bass instruments.

The Bass Liner also includes True Bypass and a mute switch, enabling silent tuning via the secondary Direct Output jack. This secondary output can be used for isolated direct signal recording or live mixing. The pedal can be powered by either a 9-volt battery or a tip-negative polarity DC adaptor ranging from 9 to 18 volts, with higher voltage providing increased punch and clarity.

The HAO Bass Liner Preamp pedal is hand-built and is available for purchase at a price of $349 in the U.S., distributed by Godlyke.

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