The Calhoun Guitar Pedal By JHS

The Calhoun

Pedal Manufacturer



The Calhoun V2 by JHS Pedals is a dual effects pedal designed in collaboration with Mike Campbell, featuring a vintage overdrive and fuzz circuit. The overdrive side is similar to the Twin Twelve pedal, providing amp-like breakup from subtle to thick. The fuzz circuit is based on the popular 60s and 70s Tone-Bender fuzzes. The pedal includes controls for Volume, Fuzz, Bias, EQ, Drive, Bass, and Treble, offering extensive tonal shaping capabilities.

The right side of the Calhoun V2 is dedicated to the fuzz circuit, with controls for Volume, Fuzz, Bias, and EQ, engaged by the right footswitch. The fuzz is based on vintage Tone-Bender fuzzes, offering a wide range of fuzz tones from lower gain to high gain. The Bias control fine-tunes the character of the fuzz, while the EQ provides a wide sweep for fat or vintage tones.

The left side of the pedal features the Twin Twelve channel drive, designed after vintage Silvertone amps from the early 60s. It offers a ton of vintage character and tonal control with Volume and Drive knobs. Separate Treble and Bass controls provide further tone shaping, akin to vintage amps.

Additionally, the pedal includes a toggle to select the order of the effects when both are engaged, allowing users to customize their signal chain.

The Calhoun V2 is a versatile pedal suitable for rhythm and lead tones, both live and in-studio, and is the first-ever signature pedal for Mike Campbell. It offers a combination of vintage character, tonal control, and flexibility, making it a go-to pedal for guitarists seeking classic overdrive and fuzz tones.

The pedal's dimensions are approximately 3.65 x 4.65 x 1.2 inches.

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