VT Bass DI Guitar Pedal By Tech 21

VT Bass DI

Pedal Manufacturer

Tech 21


The VT Bass DI by Tech 21 is a versatile and compact multi-function pedal designed for professional bass players. It offers a range of features and capabilities, making it suitable for various applications.

Key Specifications:
- Dimensions: 4.5" x 3.5" x 1.25"
- Weight: Approximately 0.95 pounds
- Power: Operable via 9-volt alkaline battery or optional DC power supply (Tech 21 model #DC9, former models #DC2 and #DC4)
- Inputs: 1 x 1/4"
- Outputs: 2 x 1/4", 1 x XLR
- Additional Controls: LEVEL, BLEND, LOW (±12dB @ 125Hz), MID (±12dB @ 500Hz), HIGH (±12dB @ 3.2kHz), CHARACTER, DRIVE, BITE, SPEAKER SIMULATION
- Speaker Simulation: 100% analog SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation technology encompassing the entire signal chain, from pre-amp to power amp to speaker simulation
- Blend Control: Adjusts the ratio of direct signal and SansAmp circuitry
- Bite Switch: Engages a presence boost and a subsonic filter
- Operable via phantom power

Features and Functionality:
- Multi-Application Format: Offers three different outputs, allowing users to complement their current rig, record direct, drive power amps, and go direct to the PA
- Versatile Tone: Emulates the tonal and performance characteristics of classic Ampeg rigs, including the SVT and B-15, along with a wide range of other tones
- Powerful Tone Shaping: Provides top-notch amp emulation and powerful tone shaping capabilities, allowing users to achieve a range of bass tones from clean SVT-style thump to dirty, earthquaking rump
- Speaker Simulation: The built-in speaker/cab sim provides a smooth, even response, complementing any type of guitar or bass speaker cabinet system
- Flexibility: Can be used as a "straight" preamp (sans the SansAmp effect) with its powerful 3-band EQ
- Compatibility: Operable with various power supply options for added convenience

The VT Bass DI is a robust and feature-rich pedal that offers professional bass players a wide range of tonal options and flexibility for both live performances and studio recordings.

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