BassIQ Guitar Pedal By EBS


Pedal Manufacturer



The EBS BassIQ 'Blue Label' is an analog envelope filter pedal designed for bass and guitar. It offers enhanced versatility and responsiveness, producing a range of sounds from classic auto-wah effects to spaced-out "Funkadelic" and synth-bass sounds. The pedal features Q, Threshold, and Attack controls to set the sensitivity and create a variety of sounds. It offers Up, Up-R, and Down modes to achieve different effects, along with three types of pass filters: Full Range, Band Pass, and Low Pass. Internal controls allow for fine-tuning, and the pedal also features true bypass.

Technical Specifications:
- Nominal Input Level: -10 dBv
- Input Impedance: 1.8 Mohms
- Output Impedance: 100 ohms
- Dry Bandwidth +0/-2 dB: 20 - 20k Hz
- Filter Range: 100 - 2.5k Hz
- Filter Q: 0.7 - 15
- Threshold: -50 - +6 dBv
- Attack Time (80%): 50 ms - 2 s
- Dimensions: 2.6” x 4.5” x 1.9” (67 x 115 x 48 mm)
- Weight: 315g (0.7 lb. )
- Type: Analog Effect, Relay type Switching
- Power Requirements: 9, 12, or 18 V DC, 55 mA max. Pedal shuts off below 6.0 V

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