Bass Ten Guitar Pedal By Whirlwind

Bass Ten

Pedal Manufacturer



The Whirlwind Bass Ten is a 10-band equalizer effects pedal designed exclusively for bass guitars. It was created by Tony Gambacurta, an experienced electronics designer known as the "Guru of modern EQs." The pedal features a constant Q design, allowing for precise and intuitive adjustment of each band's frequency width, providing unparalleled control and sensitivity. This design ensures that the frequency width remains the same for both small and large boosts or cuts.

The Bass Ten offers an unbelievably clean 10-band EQ, enabling bass players to tailor their tone with a level of precision and clarity that has not existed in a pedal until now. It is built in the USA and is tour-proven, offering a must-have tool for bass players seeking to sculpt their sound with surgical precision.

Key Specifications:
- 10-band equalizer effects pedal
- Designed exclusively for bass guitars
- Constant Q design for precise and intuitive adjustment
- Built-in the USA
- Tour-proven and sonically superior
- Dimensions: 5.9" x 4.85" x 2.25" (tall)
- Power Supply: 18V

The Bass Ten is compatible with bass guitars and keyboards, providing bass players with the ability to sculpt their sound to their exact preferences. It weighs approximately 2.6 pounds and operates in an analog signal format.

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